My passion for dance and movement started at the age of 7 gaining experience in the styles of ballet, modern, jazz, and contemporary dance. I studied dance as a school subject which included learning about human anatomy and movement also incorporating Pilates theory and practice . After school I spent a year working at a local gym, after which I completed my BASI Pilates Comprehensive Certification in 2012 through Theo Botha.
Teaching at various studios over the following years I have not looked back and Theo has remained my mentor. She has taught me about rehabilitation and fascial movement, skills that I continue to incorporate with great success in my classes. I have also completed a course focusing on shoulder rehabilitation and have helped numerous clients with post-op recovery and injuries.
My biggest reward is that I get to see my clients starting to enjoy life because of what Pilates can do and has done in their lives. Moving more freely, without pain, my clients’ journeys are what motivate me and my journal is full of stories of personal growth and life changes in my clients. I will keep writing these tales down as they occur, one class at a time.